Signs You are Low Testosterone and How to Test Yourself

Signs You are Low Testosterone and How to Test Yourself

Testosterone impacts a man’s appearance and stimulates his sex drive. Low testosterone can impact every part of your life: from mental health, relationships and physical health. Here are four ways to determine if you are deficient.

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ECECEB” color=”#000000″ size=”5″ wide=”yes” radius=”0″]IMPORTANT: If you believe you are low Testosterone, consider getting tested. Click here and check if your hormone levels are healthy with a simple test – now with 40% off with code SWORD[/su_button]

I once had a friend named Daniel (real name omitted). Daniel was in his 40s and at surface level his life looked wonderful. He owned a successful business and was married with kids. He had just bought a second house by the lake.

Then all of the sudden his life started to fall apart. He felt fatigued all the time. He wasn’t able to perform and his business suffered. Things got bad at home and his wife ended up leaving him, taking the children and filing for divorce. He had to sell his lakehouse.

These were dark days for Daniel, and on a whim he decided to get his testosterone checked. Imagine his shock when he learned he had the testosterone level of an 11-year old girl!

Suddenly everything made sense: the fatigue, the failure at work, the problems with his wife and his relationship.

His story is not uncommon. The majority of men that learn they have low testosterone are shocked to find out just how many negative effects this was having on their life.

Don’t let this happen to you. Here are the signs to watch out for:

Signs of Low Testosterone

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ECECEB” color=”#000000″ size=”5″ wide=”yes” radius=”0″]IMPORTANT: If you believe you are low Testosterone, consider getting tested. Click here and check if your hormone levels are healthy with a simple test – now with 40% off with code SWORD[/su_button]

If something feels off in your life and you just can’t quite figure out why, low testosterone could be the culprit. Keep in mind this isn’t an exhaustive list, but these are a few warning signs that you might be suffering from a hormone imbalance:

1) Anxiety, tiredness and/or fatigue

Testosterone is responsible for a lot of your daily bodily functions. The testosterone is what makes men get up and go. It’s what makes them goal oriented and direct and so if you find yourself suddenly a little fatigued and a little less motivated this could be a sign of low testosterone.

2) Erectile Disfunction

Testosterone plays a vital role in your libido. If your count is low, you’ll suffer from a reduced sex drive and inability to maintain or even get an erection. Since a man’s sex drive is such an important part of his life, when it is reduced many find their relationships suffer – which leads to unnecessary breakups and divorces.

3) Infertility and Low Sperm

A low sperm count can make it extremely difficult for you and your partner to conceive. Infertility is hard to measure or determine which parter is at fault, which can shake relationships to their core. Doctors typically start most men with a testosterone test to evaluate, so we recommend you start there too.

4) Indecision

Testosterone is a decision-making hormone. If you start finding yourself unable to think clearly, getting easily confused or unable to pull the trigger on any big decisions this could signal a change in your testosterone levels.

5) Others

There are a variety of other, less common factors of low testosterone. These include: enlarged breast tissue, headaches, bloating, blurred vision, loss of bone density, and hypopituitarism (the reduction of your overall hormone production from your pituitary gland). If you’re struggling with any of these issues and haven’t found the solution, a hormone imbalance could be the cause.

Are You Low Testosterone? Or are You High in Sex Hormone Binding Globulin?

Testosterone is what makes a man a MAN, but it’s not the complete picture. Perhaps you’ve suffered from these symptoms but your testosterone levels are relativity normal. In this case, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) could be to blame.

Think of SHGB as the car that transports your testosterone around your body. It binds to the testosterone and carries it through your bloodstream. When you produce too much SHBG in your liver, which is often an indicator of another underlying issue, you can produce symptoms of low testosterone. Your testosterone levels would be fine, it’s just not getting transported by SHBG and that is inhibiting your body to use your existing testosterone.

We typically recommend a Male Hormone Advanced Test in these situations, which will measure your testosterone but also your SHGB to ensure you get a complete picture of your health.

How Getting Tested At Home Works (It is so easy!)

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ECECEB” color=”#000000″ size=”5″ wide=”yes” radius=”0″]IMPORTANT: If you believe you are low Testosterone, consider getting tested. Click here and check if your hormone levels are healthy with a simple test – now with 40% off with code SWORD[/su_button]

LetsGetChecked makes it easy to test your hormone levels form your home. They are a leading company in the virtual healthcare space, and are empowering men like you to take control of their health. Where a doctor may require many expensive office visits before deciding to assign you a test, LetsGetChecked lets you test your testosterone and hormone levels whenever you want.

Here is how it works: You can purchase a test. They ship you the kit. You provide a simple blood sample, and ship it to their CLIA lab in a prepaid box. From there a physician reviews the tests and your results are made available in 2-5 days. Finally a nurse practitioner will call you to review the results by phone. When appropriate they can even prescribe medication that you can pick up at your local pharmacy. 

No doctor’s visit, no need to take time off work. It is simple, it is the responsible thing to do. Be proactive. Get checked. 

Get your hormone levels tested today and save 40% with code SWORD

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