Simple Man documents what he believes is an increase in his testosterone after 30 days of doing pushups.

Before he started, he was often feeling lethargic, which is a pretty common sign of low testosterone levels. After 30 days of pushups, he felt great and after testing himself found that his testosterone levels were actually pretty high.

He attributes his high testosterone level to the pushups.

If you want to test yourself before and/or after you complete this challenge, you can get 20% of the home test Simple Man used:

Get Tested Today. Use code HOME20 for 20% off

Let me ask you four questions:

  1. Are you committed to completing this pushup challenge? (if so, go to #2)
  2. Do you want to avoid the wrist pain that often comes with doing a large number of pushups each day? (If yes, go to #3)
  3. Do you want to skip having to tinker with your form until you find a one that is easier on your wrists? (If yes, go to #4)
  4. Then you need the Perfect Pushup

For me, after spending years playing tennis, I have numerous sore joins – my wrists being the worst of the bunch.

This is the main reason I have a love-hate relationship with pushups.

Don’t get me wrong, pushups are a terrific, full-body workout, but after a few sets my wrists are always so sore I can’t go on. It literally saps my motivation as I spend too much mental energy tinkering with my form. 

This is one of the main reasons people don’t finish this challenge: they can’t fight through sore wrists. 

This is why I love the Perfect Pushup

The Perfect Pushup is a device that promises to deliver the perfect pushup form … every, single time. 

The device is simple enough: it’s a pair of pushup handles that rotate as you do your pushup. This rotation allows your chest, arm and shoulder muscles to rotate the way they naturally would when performing a move such as a pushup, which also neutralizes the angle on your wrist which reduces the stress.

I decided to get a pair and try them out for myself and I was not disappointed. Not only has my wrist pain diminished, but all of my joints have less stress on them due to the added rotation of the handles. 

Additionally, they force you into a perfect form so you are never doing a weak push up without realizing it. 

I would recommend the Perfect Pushup to anyone who is serious about completing this challenge. No need to break out old wrist braces or endlessly work on your pushup form. 

Let the Perfect Pushup do it for you!

Marriage counseling, also called couples therapy, is an experience most people don’t want to endure. When people consider marriage counseling, it’s because their relationship is experiencing some detrimental problems that they can’t address themselves.  Even the thought of needing an expert’s opinion can be terrifying to some.  

Why is that? There is a misconception that marriage counseling is for the weak – for those people who are so weak in the relationship that they can’t handle things on their own. However, marriage counseling should be viewed, not as weakness, but a sign of strength. 

Seeking out professional help is a sign that you’re tired of how things are going in your relationship and you want things to change for the better. 

Of course, the lack of knowing what happens in marriage counseling is what scares people away from seeking help. They continue with the destructive behavior. If your relationship is experiencing problems beyond your capability to handle, don’t let the fear ruin your chances of making the marriage work. 

If you know what to expect before you walk into a marriage counselor’s office, you’ll feel less anxious about going. After all, knowledge is power!

3 Key Reasons People Go To Marriage Counseling

Now, you may be wondering what some of the biggest reasons people choose a marriage counselor are. While there are a plethora of reasons for two people in a marriage or relationship to seek out the help of a professional counselor, the three biggest reasons are:

Communication Is Negative or Non-Existent

Communication is key to a successful relationship and, when you don’t have that, it’s difficult to move things in the right direction. If there is negative communication between a couple, it can lead to depression and insecurity by one or both. Tone is everything – and what you say isn’t always as important as in the manner you say it. Negative communication can lead to where no meaningful conversation is taking place. 

There Was An Affair

It’s close to impossible to recover from an affair – close to, but it can happen. It means putting in the work and effort, making the commitment that you are willing to forgive them for their indiscretion and look to better days ahead. The only way this will happen though is if both people are involved in the recovery process. Honesty is the best policy here if the marriage is to survive. 

When Fighting Becomes The Norm

If you and your significant other are constantly fighting and it’s become the normal way of life, that’s not healthy. Yes, some fighting is good, as it lets you get out your emotions. However, too much of it – on an everyday basis – is not good and is detrimental to everybody in the relationship and home (if you have kids, consider how they may be feeling).

When everything you have tried has failed, it’s time to seek the assistance of a professional. Again, knowledge is power. 

3 Things To Expect During Your First Visit With A Marriage Counselor 

You’ll Be Asked Some Basic Questions

In most cases, your marriage counselor is going to ask you both why you sought out their assistance. What happened in your marriage that you brought you to him or her? This is a pretty standard question, as it sets the groundwork for repairing your marriage. As simple as it sounds though, the answer can be fairly complex. Therefore, you and your other half need to prepare your answers. 

Why? You may be together for years before you seek out help, and the answer isn’t just one thing. It could be a culmination of several things and, by focusing on the small things, you don’t get to the root of the problem. Be honest with yourself, each other and your counselor if you truly want to make the marriage work. 

The marriage therapist is going to ask a slew of questions about your history – how you met, fell in love, what attracted you to them, etc. 

When you have questions about the therapy process, go ahead and ask your counselor the questions. The more you know, the less anxiety you’ll feel. Again, knowledge is power!

Realize That Discomfort Is Going To Happen

The hardest thing to contend with in life is problems – whether you’re dealing with them on your own or in a professional setting. When you combine those problems with someone else, it’s even more difficult.  

The first and, most important thing to understand, is that one or two counseling sessions are not going to improve your relationship with your spouse. It just won’t happen. It took years to break your relationship down, and it’s going to take time for it to be rebuilt and see positive progress. 

While you’re talking, you may learn things about your spouse you had no inkling of, or something comes out of your mouth before you even thought about it.  Couples therapy has a way of bringing out the good and bad in people, and it’s not going to be easy to hear. 

In fact, you may find some sessions where you just sit in silence or where you fight – your counselor can be the mediator and assist you both in coping with the emotions. 

The process by which this happens isn’t fun, and one reason people are anxious about seeking out marriage counseling; even when it’s obvious a couple needs help.

How Long The Process Will Go On

There are several ways in which the marriage counseling can go. If things are addressed early into the sessions, and things appear to be going good, you may need just a handful of sessions. While you could feel better after one session, the chance of that is fairly remote. 

Successful marriage counseling is realizing that it takes time to work things out. If a marriage counselor is really good at their job, they’ll give you the tools you need to address the problems on your own.  Don’t rush the process because you feel you’re on borrowed time. If you truly want to make a marriage work, the best thing you can do is slow down and realize what happened in the marriage to bring you to this point. 

What To Keep In Mind

While most people are under the assumption that a marriage counselor’s job is to keep two people together, that’s not actually the case. A counselor’s job is to highlight the problems within the marriage, bring it to the forefront and give you the tools to address them. They also highlight issues within yourself, which can make you realize that perhaps the marriage isn’t healthy in the grand scheme of things.

The reality is that nobody knows – not even a counselor – what will happen when you decide enough is enough. Marriage counseling is only there when you’ve decided you can’t go on in a relationship like you are and don’t know what the best course of action is.   

Each counselor has their own approach to your particular predicament – there is no one-size-fits-all approach to counseling.  And, it’s certainly not for everybody. However, if you’re tired of living like you are, and you still love your spouse, marriage counseling may be the right decision for your family. 

The CDC released a startling report recently: 2,457,118 curable STDs were transmitted in the USA in 2018. That’s a STD every 4 minutes. It’s now estimated that 1 in 2 young people have a STD.

Why are we seeing record highs in STDs? There are two main reasons:

1) The rise in online dating apps has drastically increased the rate of casual hookups. Most people don’t take the time to learn about their partner’s sexual history

2) The vast majority of STDs don’t display symptoms right away. People are completely unaware

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#FFFFFF” color=”#000000″ size=”8″ wide=”no” center=”yes” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” download=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Get Tested Today. Use code HOME20 for 20% off[/su_button]

Making matters even worse, the majority of people who suspect they might be at risk don’t get tested because they feel uncomfortable talking about sex with their doctor. 

Untreated STDs can be a major risk to your health.

In the past, we’ve advocated for people to visit their local STD Clinic. But recently, we were approached by LetsGetChecked to review their at home STD test kit.

It made quite the impression on us. We think this test could actually help reverse this worldwide STD trend, because of how simple and effective it is. Here is what we loved about it:

  • Super simple sample collection process ensures that you can effectively collect samples, which means you don’t have to drive to the clinic
  • Tests are delivered in unmarked packaging so only you know what it is, which means no one else has to know you’re taking this test. This is great if you’re uncomfortable talking to anyone about your sex life
  • Get results in 2-5 days, so you can get peace-of-mind quickly which means you don’t have to spend any extra time wondering if an infection is hiding out in your body
  • Their tests are CLIA-certified and FDA approved, which means they use the same labs as medical doctors, hospitals and government agencies (and your local STD Clinic)
  • Easily view your results in a secure, online dashboard the second they are ready – you don’t have to talk to anyone!

If you’ve been sexually active recently, you really should try LetsGetChecked. They’ve given our readers a special promo code to encourage more people get tested for STDs.

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#FFFFFF” color=”#000000″ size=”8″ wide=”no” center=”yes” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” download=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Get Tested Today. Use code HOME20 for 20% off[/su_button]

For decades, in-person counseling was the only psychotherapy approach available. You would have to find a therapist, schedule your sessions and travel to your therapist’s office for every appointment. Thanks to the modern technology, more and more people choose online therapy over the traditional, in-person therapy nowadays. Some of the obvious benefits of online counseling for many people include its convenience, the range of choices, and the cost.  

Why People Choose Online Therapy These Days?

Some studies show that the frequency of the dropouts is higher in traditional, office-based therapy than in online or phone therapy, especially in the first few weeks of the treatment. In one study, 225 adults diagnosed with clinical depression attended 18 weeks long cognitive-behavioral therapy, some of them with the therapist over the phone and others with an in-person counselor. 

The study demonstrated that phone therapy helped reduce dropout from the treatment. Namely, four people out of five who were assigned therapy over the phone were able to complete full 18 weeks of treatment, while only two out of three of those who went through in-person therapy could complete their treatment. 

Online Therapy Advantages and In-Person Therapy Drawbacks

Online counseling is a time-saving and accessible form of therapy, within reach from your computer or phone at any given time.   


With our busy lives and hectic schedules, the option of online therapy is simply convenient. Long working hours, schools schedules, and the challenges of the child-care make it hard for people in need to schedule office-based counseling appointments and stay committed to their treatment. 

Online counseling appears as a suitable therapy option for our demanding everyday lives. There is no need to commute. You don’t have to leave your work early in order to get on time to your counselor’s office. Moreover, online counseling can be as easy as sending a text – so you don’t even have to schedule your appointment. 

Also, online therapy offers a range of choices when it comes to expressing your thoughts and feelings. You can talk or write, send pictures or communicate with your counselor in real time, whatever works for you. 

The Cost

The cost of the office-based, in-person therapy usually goes very high, an average $80-150 per 45-60 minutes session, plus commuting costs. Additionally, in many cases, the health insurance plans do not cover this type of therapy thus making psychotherapy simply unaffordable for a lot of people. 

The price range of online therapy varies. However, the cost of online therapy is generally much lower when compared to in-person therapy. Moreover, many online counseling services such as different crisis phone services, for example, can be obtained for free. With the rising number of people seeking mental health counseling today, this is an obvious advantage of online therapy.

Easy Access and Constant Support    

Frequent communication and continual support from the therapist are some of the major pros of online counseling. Online therapy allows you to text or chat with your therapist many times a day, whenever you need support. This is a huge advantage for people who need frequent care while experiencing the symptoms of severe anxiety or depression, for example. 

Furthermore, your search for the matching therapist online should be short and convenient. Online counseling services use professionals and algorithms to pair you with the counselor who matches your requirements. 

Also, with online counseling, you can usually start your therapy right away, especially if it doesn’t require health insurance. 

Geographical Distance

Online therapy may be very beneficial for people who live in distant or rural areas. For these people, obtaining mental health assistance may be very challenging as a mental health provider may not be available within a close geographical distance. Thus, the online therapy comes up as the perfect solution. 

Confidentiality and Anonymity

While the therapeutic relationship is a highly confidential relationship, some people simply don’t feel comfortable opening up in-person, even in front of a professional mental health provider. For these people, online counseling may be very helpful, since it allows for more anonymity.

The Length

In-person therapy normally requires you to come for scheduled sessions once a week over the course of several weeks, months, or even years. If you are not willing to commit to counseling for that long, you might want to consider available online therapy options. Even if your online therapy lasts for months, it is still much faster, easier, and more convenient than commuting to your therapist’s office.

Traditional Therapy Advantages and Online Therapy Drawbacks

In-Person Interaction

The lack of in-person interaction in online therapy may be an important disadvantage for people who find face-to-face contact with the therapist very important. Thus some individuals benefit more from office-based interaction with the therapist. 

Also, if you tend to rely on a non-verbal communication in your interpersonal relations, you might prefer in-person therapy where your therapist will use their body language and voice tone to communicate with you. 

Nevertheless, some experts believe that online therapy doesn’t cover the most important therapeutic aspect of counseling – the therapeutic relationship. Still, online therapists argue that they are able to establish a trusting, healing relationship with their clients despite the lack of in-person contact.

Finally, some forms of therapy, such as EMDR, drama therapy, or play therapy are very difficult or impossible to provide online.

Severe Mental Health Conditions

Severe mental health conditions require in-person care from mental health professionals and facilities. In this case, online therapy may be a good complementary therapy source but is generally not enough on its own.  

Many studies and real-life experiences show that both online and in-person therapy can foster a deep connection between a client and his/her therapist. It seems to be a matter of preference, after all. Some people prefer in-person interaction while others find online communication with the therapist liberating – online-therapy users sometimes say that online therapy makes it easier to open up and form a stronger connection with their counselor. 

To end with, many people find combining online and in-person therapy approach the best way to combat their mental health issues.

Signs You are Low Testosterone and How to Test Yourself

Testosterone impacts a man’s appearance and stimulates his sex drive. Low testosterone can impact every part of your life: from mental health, relationships and physical health. Here are four ways to determine if you are deficient.

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ECECEB” color=”#000000″ size=”5″ wide=”yes” radius=”0″]IMPORTANT: If you believe you are low Testosterone, consider getting tested. Click here and check if your hormone levels are healthy with a simple test – now with 40% off with code SWORD[/su_button]

I once had a friend named Daniel (real name omitted). Daniel was in his 40s and at surface level his life looked wonderful. He owned a successful business and was married with kids. He had just bought a second house by the lake.

Then all of the sudden his life started to fall apart. He felt fatigued all the time. He wasn’t able to perform and his business suffered. Things got bad at home and his wife ended up leaving him, taking the children and filing for divorce. He had to sell his lakehouse.

These were dark days for Daniel, and on a whim he decided to get his testosterone checked. Imagine his shock when he learned he had the testosterone level of an 11-year old girl!

Suddenly everything made sense: the fatigue, the failure at work, the problems with his wife and his relationship.

His story is not uncommon. The majority of men that learn they have low testosterone are shocked to find out just how many negative effects this was having on their life.

Don’t let this happen to you. Here are the signs to watch out for:

Signs of Low Testosterone

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ECECEB” color=”#000000″ size=”5″ wide=”yes” radius=”0″]IMPORTANT: If you believe you are low Testosterone, consider getting tested. Click here and check if your hormone levels are healthy with a simple test – now with 40% off with code SWORD[/su_button]

If something feels off in your life and you just can’t quite figure out why, low testosterone could be the culprit. Keep in mind this isn’t an exhaustive list, but these are a few warning signs that you might be suffering from a hormone imbalance:

1) Anxiety, tiredness and/or fatigue

Testosterone is responsible for a lot of your daily bodily functions. The testosterone is what makes men get up and go. It’s what makes them goal oriented and direct and so if you find yourself suddenly a little fatigued and a little less motivated this could be a sign of low testosterone.

2) Erectile Disfunction

Testosterone plays a vital role in your libido. If your count is low, you’ll suffer from a reduced sex drive and inability to maintain or even get an erection. Since a man’s sex drive is such an important part of his life, when it is reduced many find their relationships suffer – which leads to unnecessary breakups and divorces.

3) Infertility and Low Sperm

A low sperm count can make it extremely difficult for you and your partner to conceive. Infertility is hard to measure or determine which parter is at fault, which can shake relationships to their core. Doctors typically start most men with a testosterone test to evaluate, so we recommend you start there too.

4) Indecision

Testosterone is a decision-making hormone. If you start finding yourself unable to think clearly, getting easily confused or unable to pull the trigger on any big decisions this could signal a change in your testosterone levels.

5) Others

There are a variety of other, less common factors of low testosterone. These include: enlarged breast tissue, headaches, bloating, blurred vision, loss of bone density, and hypopituitarism (the reduction of your overall hormone production from your pituitary gland). If you’re struggling with any of these issues and haven’t found the solution, a hormone imbalance could be the cause.

Are You Low Testosterone? Or are You High in Sex Hormone Binding Globulin?

Testosterone is what makes a man a MAN, but it’s not the complete picture. Perhaps you’ve suffered from these symptoms but your testosterone levels are relativity normal. In this case, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) could be to blame.

Think of SHGB as the car that transports your testosterone around your body. It binds to the testosterone and carries it through your bloodstream. When you produce too much SHBG in your liver, which is often an indicator of another underlying issue, you can produce symptoms of low testosterone. Your testosterone levels would be fine, it’s just not getting transported by SHBG and that is inhibiting your body to use your existing testosterone.

We typically recommend a Male Hormone Advanced Test in these situations, which will measure your testosterone but also your SHGB to ensure you get a complete picture of your health.

How Getting Tested At Home Works (It is so easy!)

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#ECECEB” color=”#000000″ size=”5″ wide=”yes” radius=”0″]IMPORTANT: If you believe you are low Testosterone, consider getting tested. Click here and check if your hormone levels are healthy with a simple test – now with 40% off with code SWORD[/su_button]

LetsGetChecked makes it easy to test your hormone levels form your home. They are a leading company in the virtual healthcare space, and are empowering men like you to take control of their health. Where a doctor may require many expensive office visits before deciding to assign you a test, LetsGetChecked lets you test your testosterone and hormone levels whenever you want.

Here is how it works: You can purchase a test. They ship you the kit. You provide a simple blood sample, and ship it to their CLIA lab in a prepaid box. From there a physician reviews the tests and your results are made available in 2-5 days. Finally a nurse practitioner will call you to review the results by phone. When appropriate they can even prescribe medication that you can pick up at your local pharmacy. 

No doctor’s visit, no need to take time off work. It is simple, it is the responsible thing to do. Be proactive. Get checked. 

Get your hormone levels tested today and save 40% with code SWORD

Why Is Getting Tested for STDs So Important?

The topic doesn’t come up in general conversation all that often, and most people who end up with one will never share the details with others due to negative stigma. Sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STDs or STIs) are a growing concern among the sexually active population. 

How Common Are STDs?

Studies show that half of all sexually active people will contract an STD by the time they hit the age of 25. It is also estimated by the Centers for Disease Control that 20 million new cases of STIs will occur annually in the United States. Most of these new infections are among people between the ages of 15 and 24. Some STDs are more prevalent than others in the United States. 

The three most common STDs are chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea. In 2015, the numbers of reported cases hit record levels, and chlamydia became the highest reported condition to the CDC at 1.5 million people. Other STDs continue to grow in numbers, such as: 

  • HIV
  • Hepatitis 
  • Herpes 
  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

What are the Symptoms of STDs?

Every STD can come along with its own set of symptoms, and some symptoms can be easily related to some other health concern or problem. Therefore, many STDs go grossly underreported. Some of the most common symptoms of STDs include:

  • Redness, swelling, a rash, or irritation in the vaginal or penile area 
  • Bumps, lesions, warts, or sores around or near the anus, vagina, penis, or mouth 
  • Unusual discharge from the vagina or penis 
  • Pain during sex
  • Vaginal bleeding that is not due to menses 
  • Itching near the vagina or the penis 

Are There STDs That Show No Symptoms?

Several types of STDs do not have any immediate symptoms, some STDs have very subtle symptoms easily blamed on something else, and some STDs simply have no outward symptoms at all. Nevertheless, an STD with no symptoms can still be transmitted to a partner in most cases. A few examples include: 

  • About 70% of females and 50% of males do not show symptoms with chlamydia
  • Symptoms with genital herpes may not show up for many months or years later 
  • Individuals with genital warts often do not have obvious warts 

Health Complications of Not Treating STDs

The unfortunate thing about STDs that do not show obvious symptoms is many people never get tested because they do not suspect anything is wrong. Furthermore, some people avoid seeking treatment because of the stigma surrounding STDs. There are many health complications that can come along with not getting proper treatment. One of the most prevalent is infertility. The CDC says undiagnosed STIs cause roughly 24,000 infertile females annually. Pelvic inflammatory disease, certain types of cancer, and other conditions can come along with no treatment. Of course, not getting treated can contribute to the transmission of the infection to other partners.  

The First Step to Take If You Suspect You Have an STD

The first step to take if you suspect you have an STD, or even if you just want to make sure you don’t, is to get tested. These days, testing doesn’t even have to involve going to a health care provider for the initial screenings. You can get an at-home STD test from Let’s Get Checked that you can take in the privacy of your home. The kit allows you to get tested for the 10 most common STDs, and your results are available online within a few days after you send your test kit back. So, getting checked is quick, private, and easy. 

Nearly every man knows that testosterone is an important male hormone. Most men also know that as they age past 30, testosterone levels start to decline. However, just because low testosterone occurs naturally does not mean it is normal and healthy. 

Given this, many men want to know if there are serious side effects of low testosterone. Also, should men be aware of any medical problems not usually associated with this condition?

Testosterone and Masculinity

Many hormones and manufactured in the human body and each performs a specific function. The most common hormone which concerns men is testosterone. Testosterone is a sex hormone which is produced in the testes or testicles. Although lacking testicles, even women produce testosterone, though in much lower quantities.

As boys grow to men, testosterone plays a key role in

  • Penis growth
  • Facial and body hair growth
  • Voice pitch
  • Muscle definition 
  • Bone density
  • Height

As men, testosterone continues to play a key role in masculinity and sexuality. For instance, it is the hormone responsible for sperm production and sex drive. However, it is also responsible for fat distribution and red blood cell production. 

Given the latter, low testosterone can clearly cause health problems so understanding the dangers is important.

What is low testosterone?

The proper term for low testosterone is Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TD). TD is diagnosed by your medical provider using an exam, review of symptoms and lab tests. The tests check the levels of testosterone in the blood, which should be above 300 nanograms per deciliter. A level lower is a possible sign of TD. Your doctor will consider if the symptoms and medical review indicate a diagnosis of TD. However, because testosterone levels can fluctuate over time even within a single day, your doctor is likely to request multiple blood tests.

Why is it important to test for low testosterone?

The need to test for TD varies by age and other factors. Although statistically, only about 2% of men have TD, this rate includes even young men. As previously noted, the rates of TD increase with age. Too, lower levels of testosterone have also been found to be higher in men who are overweight (30%) or have diabetes (24.5%)

However, given the dangers it would be imporant for any man with symptoms of TD to get tested. 

What are the dangers of low testosterone?

Although there are numerous sexual concerns associated with lower testosterone levels, the greatest danger is a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. And because testosterone governs muscle and bone mass, older men are especially at risk of injuries when their testosterone levels drop. With less muscle to support movement and lowered bone density, broken bones become a very real concern.

Finally, if we recall that testosterone is involved in the production of red blood cells, many diseases common in older men may be rightly traced to TD. Some of these include anemia and cancers of the blood

What are the signs or symptoms of TD?

As with any medical condition, Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome makes itself known though certain signs and symptoms. Although not intended to provide a guideline for medical diagnosis, the signs of TD may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Sleeplessness
  • Lower self-confidence
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Tender breasts and swelling
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Increased body fat
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Hot flashes

If you experience any of these symptoms, it may be a sign of low testosterone or it could be something else. Only a medical practitioner can provide you with a proper diagnosis. However, if you would like to learn more prior to seeing your physician, there are ways to check this yourself.

How can you test for low testosterone?

Today there are numerous home tests on the market to check for low testosterone. Although a doctor will rely on a blood test, the at-home test kits use saliva. This is both convenient and less invasive. You simply swab your cheek and send the sample to the lab using a pre-addressed pouch provided in the kit. 

Four simple at-home testing options may be found at Many men with the symptoms of TD prefer this route because it allows them to avoid the multiple blood tests and uncomfortable questions from their doctor. 

Whatever you decide, just know that low testosterone is not something to ignore. As with any malfunction of the body, TD should be dealt with before it can result in a serious medical condition.

Most often associated with changes in metabolism, your thyroid plays a major role in maintaining homeostasis and and contributes to healthy growth and function of the body. Hypothyroidism is the most well-known disorder of the thyroid, but hyperthyroidism is also a serious medical condition. While weight gain or weight loss is often linked to disorders of the thyroid, they can also cause problems with bone development and cardiovascular disease. 

Diseases of the thyroid

According to the American Thyroid Association, there are approximately 20 million people living with thyroid disease in the United States, over half of whom are not even aware of it. The three main diseases of the thyroid are hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and Grave’s Disease.


It is commonly known that hypothyroidism can cause moderate weight gain, but there are several other symptoms to be aware of. The American Thyroid Association states that people suffering from hypothyroidism often feel cold and may struggle with dry skin. Those living with this thyroid disorder may also experience forgetfulness, depression, and constipation. Because these symptoms are so general, and associated with myriad health complications, a blood test is required to definitively diagnose a patient with hypothyroidism.


Hyperthyroidism is caused by an overproduction of thyroid hormones, specifically thyroxine. While The Mayo Clinic points out that hyperthyroidism can cause severe health problems when left untreated, most patients respond well to treatment. This treatment can be as simple as a daily oral medication, and as complicated as surgery to remove part or all of the thyroid. 

Symptoms may include unintentional weight loss, or an increase in anxiety. More seriously, untreated hyperthyroidism can cause serious cardiac issues, such as a rapid or irregular heart beat and palpitations, or occlusions caused by blood clots. 

Grave’s Disease

Grave’s Disease is an autoimmune disease that results in hyperthyroidism. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease, Grave’s disease affects approximately 1 in 200 Americans, making it the most prevalent form of hyperthyroidism in the United States. Onset typically occurs between the ages of 30 and 50, and is more common in patients who are also suffering from other autoimmune diseases. If left untreated, serious cardiovascular symptoms can develop. These symptoms range from blood clots to heart attack and stroke. An overproduction of thyroid hormones can also result in decreased bone density, leading to osteoporosis. 

One complication unique to Grave’s Disease is an ocular disease called Grave’s ophthalmopathy. Signs and symptoms include pain in the eyes, double vision, and sensitivity to light. Occasionally, the end result may be an overall decrease in vision.

Thyroid disease is an extremely prevalent form of metabolic disease, effecting up to 20 million Americans. Women are significantly more likely to develop thyroid disease, and symptoms range from minor to very serious medical conditions. Because symptoms of thyroid disease often overlap with those of other health problems, a blood test is necessary to diagnose it. Once you have a confirmed diagnosis, treatment is typically simple and most people respond well. 

It’s estimated that 1 in 2 people will get an STD before they turn 25, yet the majority won’t get tested because they don’t want to talk about sex with their doctor.

IMPORANT: If you are sexually active, consider getting tested. Click here to screen for the most common STDs from the privacy of your home – now with 20% off with code MOTIVATED

In the digital age, casual sex and partners are available at the click of a button. So are dating apps like Tinder, Bumble and Grindr to blame for rapidly rising STD rates?

The answer appears to be yes.

Dating apps allow individuals to access a larger number of casual sexual partners than ever before. Additionally, due to the mass adoption of these apps people are having sex with new networks of people they would never normally been able to connect with. Unfortunately, a lot of time people who are meeting through these apps don’t take the time to learn about each other’s sexual history.

Even worse, the vast number of these people don’t even know they have a STD. An estimated 51% of people don’t get tested because they don’t want to bring up sex or STDs in discussions with their healthcare provider

Living in ignorance is no way to handle the potential of having an STD, and it’s also extremely dangerous to let diseases go untreated. Thankfully, much like virtual dating has made it easier to meet people, virtual healthcare is making it easier to test and treat STDs – giving you a way to get help without having to go into a doctor’s office.

Why it is Important to Get Tested

IMPORANT: If you are sexually active, consider getting tested. Click here to screen for the most common STDs from the privacy of your home – now with 20% off with code MOTIVATED

Because many STDs don’t show symptoms, it’s essential to get tested. Getting tested whenever you have a new sexual partner can help you catch STDs before they become serious. Only 12% of people who are at risk for an STD get tested. That’s a problem because STDs can have serious complications.

If you don’t get tested and don’t know that you have an STD, it can spread to other partners and impact their lives. Untreated STDs also have the potential to make you unable to have children. Even if you can have children, there’s a massive risk of passing it on and endangering their health early in their life.

Untreated STDs also endanger a pregnancy. It can cause complications during your term, put you at risk of miscarriage and stillbirth, as well as premature labor.

Neglecting to get tested for STDs also increases your vulnerability to HIV. Sores and ulcers make you more susceptible to the virus. The inflammatory response of your disease will flood your body with immune cells. Your immune system then becomes more vulnerable and less able to fight against HIV.

How Getting Tested At Home Works (It is so easy!)

LetsGetChecked makes it easy to test for STDs from your home. They are a leading company in the virtual healthcare space, and are empowering people like you to take control of their health. Where you may be uncomfortable discussing sex with your doctor, LetsGetChecked lets you test for STDs discreetly and privately in your home.

Here is how they work:

  • Tests are delivered in unmarked packaging so only you know what it is, which means no one else has to know you’re taking this test
  • Super simple sample collection process ensures that you can effectively collect samples, which means you don’t have to visit a dreary lab 
  • Get results in 2-5 days, so you can get peace-of-mind more quickly which means you don’t have to spend any extra time worrying
  • Easily view your results in a secure, online dashboard the second they are ready – no more waiting for a middleman to relay you your results
  • Your results are physician-reviewed and you’ll have access to an online nurse to discuss results, which means you’ll understand exactly what the test found and what you need to do moving forward
  • When appropriate, LetsGetChecked can even prescribe medication that you can pick up at your local pharmacy

Why we recommend LetsGetChecked:

  • They cover more infections than the standard physician’s test, giving you more peace of mind if you test negative and saving you from any future lab visits for infections not covered by a standard test
  • Simplifies the entire testing process by bundling together the lab and doctor’s visit. Not only does this save you time, but it ends up saving you money as well
  • Their tests are CLIA-certified and FDA approved, which means they use the same labs as medical doctors, hospitals and government agencies 
  • They have an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 on over 2,600 reviews, which makes them the best reviewed home testing service on TrustPilot

Test yourself for a STD today and save 20% with code MOTIVATED